Page last updated Oct 20, 2021 @ 10:13pm

850 Series Panel Meters

shurite-8122z.jpg (38585 bytes) shurite-8208z.jpg (39081 bytes) shurite-8407z.jpg (39155 bytes) Shurite-850ZX.JPG (25424 bytes) shurite-8508z.jpg (38265 bytes) shurite-850dims.gif (23769 bytes) meter4CT.jpg (11392 bytes) meter4ETM.jpg (7271 bytes)
DC Volts DC Amps AC Volts AC Volts with expanded scale AC Amps Dimensions AC Amps
with CT
Hour Meter

click thumbnail image above to enlarge

Panel Meter
by Shurite
AC & DC, Voltmeters, Ammeters, Frequency Meters

Don't operate your backup or alternative power electrical system blind!  These economical panel meters are for mounting in your own equipment so you can see what is happening.  Perfect for monitoring ac or dc system voltages, currents or frequency.  If you have electronic loads that are sensitive to voltage or frequency variations that occur with small portable generators this is the solution.  In most cases these meters are full rated so no shunts or current transformers are required.

AC and DC Ammeters, voltmeters and AC frequency meters are available.  Meters are 2-1/2" rectangular, 5% accuracy and fit into 2-1/16" diameter holes.   Note that frequency meters and two ranges of ac voltmeters come standard with expanded scales for high resolution reading.  Polystyrene cases with metal scales, white field, printed black, age and moisture resistant, install through front of panel.  Made from USA components and assembled in Dominican Republic.

Following meters are available and can be ordered using drop-down menu below.  The meters shown as bold italic normally ship in a couple days from our stock.  Other models take a little longer.  Some other ranges are available as special order at added cost.

DC Ammeters DC Voltmeters AC Ammeters AC Voltmeters AC Frequency Meters
0-1 amps DC 0-3 volts DC 0-1 amps AC 0-10 volts AC 55-65 Hz (115V)
0-3 amps DC 0-5 volts DC 0-3 amps AC 0-15 volts AC 55-65 Hz (230V)
0-5 amps DC 0-10 volts DC 0-5 amps AC 0-25 volts AC 45-55 Hz (115V)
0-10 amps DC 0-15 volts DC 0-10 amps AC 0-50 volts AC 360-440 Hz (115V)
0-15 amps DC 0-25 volts DC 0-15 amps AC 0-150 volts AC
0-25 amps DC 0-30 volts DC 0-30 amps AC 95-140 volts AC exp
0-50 amps DC 0-50 volts DC 0-50 amps AC 0-300* volts AC
0-100*** amps DC 0-100 volts DC 0-50** amps AC 190-280* volts AC exp
0-200*** amps DC 0-150 volts DC 0-75** amps AC 0-500* volts AC
0-300*** amps DC   0-100** amps AC       * includes external resistor
  0-150** amps AC      exp = expanded scale +10% green, >10% red

Hour Meter (10-80Vdc)

0-200** amps AC

Hour Meter (90-240Vac, 50/60Hz)

*** includes external 50mV shunt ** includes external donut current
    transformer (CT) with 24" leads

Hour Meters (not Shurite) are quartz controlled for accurate time measurement on both 50Hz and 60Hz and even on dc.  Mount in same size cutout as other meters and includes hold-in collar.  Connections are made with slip-on terminals.

meter4ETM.jpg (7271 bytes)  meter4ETMfront.jpg (12302 bytes)  meter4ETMback.jpg (9719 bytes)
click thumbnail image above to enlarge


AC ammeters for high current applications come with donut current transformer for slipping over heavy power conductors.  Dimensions: window diameter 0.64", overall diameter 1.99", thickness 1.25", 1% accuracy class at 60Hz (except 50:5 is 2%).

meter4CT.jpg (11392 bytes)
click thumbnail image above to enlarge

Use the table immediately below if you are not sure which ac ammeter to use for your generator:

Watts ac Ammeter
Watts ac Ammeters
15A  120Vac 1875 (1) 0-15A 15A  120/240Vac 3750 (2) 0-15A
20A  120Vac 2500 (1) 0-20A 20A  120/240Vac 5000 (2) 0-20A
30A  120Vac 3750 (1) 0-30A 30A  120/240Vac 7500 (2) 0-30A
50A  120/240Vac 12000 (2) 0-50A
75A  120/240Vac 18000 (2) 0-75A
100A  120/240Vac 25000 (2) 0-100A
200A  120/240Vac 50000 (2) 0-200A

Shopping cart will apply price adder (listed in drop-down menu below) for frequency meters, ac current transformers and hour meters which cost more than other meters.  

NOTE that use of ammeters for reading values less than 25% of full scale not recommended.  That means we DO NOT recommend using 0-200A meters for measuring the load on your 200A utility service.  Typical loads on a 200A service are less than 50A and you will not be able to read those values accurately.


Item Number: 850
Price: $29
Price last updated 6/17/2024
Shipping Weight: 1 lbs.
This item normally ships in approximately 3 days or less.

The following meter models can be ordered on this page using the drop-down menu above.

DC AMMETERS: 8203z 8205z 8206z 8207z 8208z 850ZX-2218 850ZX-2358 850ZX-2422
DC VOLTMETERS: 8107z 8108z 8109z 8120z 8122z 8113z 8115z
AC AMMETERS: 8501z 8502z 8503z 8504z 8508z 8505z 8506z 8503z-50 8503z-75 8503z-100 8503z-150 8503z-200
AC VOLTMETERS: 8403z 8404z 8412z 8405z 8406z 850ZX-2426 8407z 850ZX-2425 8414z
AC FREQUENCY METERS: 8011z 8021z 8010z 8014z

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