Page last updated Oct 20, 2021 @ 10:08pm

Online Security

Online security incidents in 1999...

Just how secure is internet commerce?

There have been very few cases of security breaches, especially considering the volume of commerce now conducted over the internet.  However, there were problems reported in the news media in April 1999:

"Security leaks have been found on many popular shopping cart programs.   ABC News and the LA Times reported that computer programs that are vulnerable to Web browsers if improperly installed include those from Order Form, Seaside Enterprises, QuikStore, PDGSoft and Mercantec."

Apparently, a number of users incorrectly installed these software packages.  This resulted in personal orders and credit card information being stored in the public directories of the Web servers where anyone could look at the information. does not use any of these packages for our shopping cart system.


Is the online ordering at vulnerable to similar problems?

No.  We use a separate transaction network and do not rely on the skills of independent web builders or ISPs to host our business transactions and security.   There is no chance of a security leak as described by ABC News.  When you add items to our shopping cart system at you are transferred to a secure encrypted server.  Whereas our web site has a URL of the form http://www..., the secure server we use has a URL of the form https://www...  The "s" suffix indicates that the data transmissions are encrypted.  The main focus of the company that operates this transaction network is security.  They use only the latest 128bit secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption schemes to protect data.  Furthermore, no one at the company (except the Executive System Administrator) has access to the network.  You do not ever need to worry about unauthorized curious eyes reading your orders; they are kept confidential.  The transaction network is also physically isolated and is not on any shared network.

Click here for more recent Credit Card Security information.


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