Page last updated Oct 20, 2021 @ 10:11pm



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Watts Up? Pro Kilowatt-Hour Meter
Data stored  for download to PC


Did you know that some home appliances consume more electricity when they are "off" than when they are being used?  This can often be true of appliances such as microwave ovens, televisions, VCRs and other items whose digital electronics and clocks are on 24 hours a day consuming small amounts of power.   These can be called phantom loads on your home electric service that increase your bills.  Use the Watts Up? meter to find these consumers and measure how much they are costing you!

This pro version will store up to 1000 records in memory at a sample rate of up to 1 per second.  Data can then be downloaded to your PC using the serial or USB connection.

This device is designed specifically for easy use in the home to determine actual electricity consumption of 120VAC appliances.  Simply plug an appliance into the socket and and the Watts Up? Meter will display true power consumed in kilowatt-hours that directly correlates to your electric bill.  It will also display cumulative time, instantaneous wattage, and amount of money spent for the electricity based on two tier rates in cents per KWH.

This is much more accurate than relying on appliance nameplate data which usually shows the maximum possible consumption.  Often the appliance nameplate will only give amps and volts which when multiplied gives volt-amps (VA) which may be greater than the actual watts consumed.  The Watts Up? meter eliminates all these uncertainties.

The Watts Up? and Watts Up? Pro meters have these features:

* display of volts * display of average monthly cost
* display of amps * display of average monthly KWH
* display of power factor * display of minimum values
* display of appliance duty cycle * increased 15 amp continuous rating
* display of peak values * improved 3% accuracy (over 5 watts)

The Watts Up? Pro incorporates sophisticated digital electronics that enable precise and accurate measurements in an easy-to-use format.  State-of-the-art digital microprocessor design utilizes high frequency sampling of both voltage and current measurements for true rms power, and downloads data to PC for graphing and charting.  Power factor is captured so even phase-shifted loads such as motors are accurately measured. Fast, intuitive and easy-to-use, Watts up? Pro quickly and accurately measures any 120 VAC appliance.

* Downloads data to PC and includes software for charting data
* Stores up to 1000 records each with 17 values
* Auto-configuring sample rate starts at 1 second
* Non-volatile memory requires no battery

The Watts Up? meter uses an advanced digital microprocessor to sample the voltage and current 70 times per cycle.  That is once every 0.24 milliseconds or at a rate of 4200 samples per second.  Then it performs the math to compute the true rms (root-mean-squared) values of the ac voltage and current, along with the other computations.  At one-second intervals (or longer) it stores the values for display or download.  Because of this high sampling rate the Watts Up? meter is perfect for measuring the inrush or surge requirements of appliances or motors.  This data can them be used to size generators and UPS systems.

  Made in USA


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