Page last updated Oct 20, 2021 @ 10:08pm
What's New 2008
For the record here is the detailed list of changes made to this web site, with the most recent at the top.
January 3, 2009
Moved site to non-MSFP server. Corrected table item numbers for Ronk switches, W6010DEX.December 31, 2008
Updated Winco HPS9000Ve and W6010DEX pages. Updated Winco and AmpAir prices.December 30, 2008
Added Gen/Tran 30310V, KIT20216V, KIT30216V, KIT30310V products. Extended Gen/Tran lead times.December 30, 2008
Updated Ronk switch prices.December 23, 2008
Added Winco pto generators that are replacing Winpower models. Split catalog toc into two columns on WIRINGDV and AltEnergy pages.December 18, 2008
Expanded description of hydroelectric turbine cart button options. Added ammeter option to Eaton ATC series switches. Added wheel kits to Gellette 5kW and 7.5kW portable generators.December 14, 2008
Corrected font size Devilbis Instr page. Added TEC-WIND sectional monopole towers.December 13, 2008
Enhanced php note and button files to properly display discounts and dimensions. Added 5% and 10% quantity discounts for Reliance products.December 12, 2008
Corrected link to PC3025USA on pages f30310b, r30310b, 30310a, f30508b, 30508b. Changed borders to php on pages toc.htm, pw5125-2200b.htm, resubmitcard.htm. Deleted cart buttons on pages pa0650100-02.htm, pa0650181.htm, rst60.htm, rst100.htm, rst200.htm. Changed cart buttons to php on pages pw5125-2200b.htm, tow-aug-48g.htm, tow-30-whi.htm, liftgate.htm, asco300.htm. Deleted old button remnants on pages POWRCENT.HTM, B103-DW.HTM. Updated links to various bookmarks that are now individual pages.December 11, 2008
Split up following pages to improve load time: Portable Generators, Automatic Transfer Switches, Cords & Wiring Devices, Multi-circuit Manual Transfer Switches. Added Kubota mobile and standby diesel gensets 7-20kW.December 10, 2008
Added Gillette GEN-PRO gasoline and diesel portable generators.December 10, 2008
Changed table prices and cart buttons to php table lookups on Load Bank, Interlock, Surge Protection pages. Added notes.php to button tables.December 9, 2008
Added PSK2 shutter page with video.December 9, 2008
Changed table prices and cart buttons to php table lookups on Portable Power Distribution pages.December 8, 2008
Changed table prices and cart buttons to php table lookups on RV generator, Cord & Wiring Devices, Manual Transfer Switches & Panels pages.December 8, 2008
Changed table prices and cart buttons to php table lookups on automatic standby generator pages. Corrected missing price data for ZTX400.December 6-7, 2008
Completed border changes. Changed table prices and cart buttons to php table lookups on portable generator, pto generator, automatic transfer switch pages.December 6, 2008
Replaced MS FP borders on Metering & Instrumentation and Books & Video pages with php includes. Also changed table prices and cart buttons to php table lookups.December 5, 2008
Replaced MS FP borders on Storage Battery and Control/Distribution pages with php includes. Also changed table prices and cart buttons to php table lookups.December 4, 2008
Added Powerware BPE20MBB1A. Reduced prices for Powerware UPS systems. Adjusted prices for Toshiba UPS systems. Replaced MS FP borders on Alternative Energy Inverter pages with php includes. Also changed table prices and cart buttons to php table lookups.December 3, 2008
Replaced MS FP borders on all Powerware UPS, House UPS, Toshiba UPS, Data Center Acc, Solar PV Module, Wind Turbine, and Hydroelectric pages with php includes. Also changed table prices and cart buttons to php table lookups.December 2, 2008
Replaced MS FP borders on all TrippLite & APC UPS pages with php includes and deleted models that are discontinued. Changed table prices and cart buttons for TrippLite & APC products to php table lookups.December 1, 2008
Updated SWWP prices. Deleted Whisper Water Pumper. Replaced MS FP borders on all load bank pages with php includes. Replaced MS FP borders on all generator extended warranty pages with php includes. Converted quote request form for large UPS systems to php.November 30, 2008
Replaced MS FP borders on all portable inverter pages with php includes. Deleted SF-100. Replaced MS FP borders on all portable distribution box pages with php includes.November 28, 2008
Added other state sales tax for DAI-0600L, DAI-1500L, DAI-REMOTE. Corrected menu error message for 300134.htm. Replaced MS FP borders on all manual single-circuit transfer switch pages with php includes. Added 000 to PPDM menu.November 25, 2008
Replaced MS FP borders on all manual transfer panel pages with php includes. Replaced MS FP borders on all manual multi-circuit transfer switch pages with php includes.November 21, 2008
Replaced MS FP borders on all RV/mobile generator pages with php includes. Discontinued SHAKELIGHT product. Replaced MS FP borders on diesel and vapor fueled large generator quote pages with php includes and changed form email to php.November 18, 2008
Replaced MS FP borders on all automatic standby generator pages with php includes.November 18, 2008
Replaced MS FP borders on all automatic transfer switch pages with php includes. Added more security to Feedback form.November 17, 2008
Added inside view of Junction box.November 15, 2008
Added Enough is Enough link on home page. Updated Winpower pto shaft image. Replaced MS FP borders on all pto generator pages with php includes.November 14, 2008
Deleted pages transpan.htm instruct.htm(Cherokee instr) world.htm(World Power Tech) email-flyer.htm other.htm pk280-m1.htm 108303.htm(lock) rpm0497000.htm dbtest.asp. Replaced MS FP borders on all pages through through portable geneerators with php includes. Converted feedback form MS FP to php.November 13-14, 2008
Updated 59055 anchor page with new photos and clearer description about welded construction. Added origin zip code to interlock purchase buttons. Replaced MS FP borders on all pages through half of port gen with php includes.November 12, 2008
Added high capacity junction boxes.November 12, 2008
Added panel interlock kits.November 7, 2008
Added statement on Safety page about suicide cord. Added move to Virginia in Who We Are page. Replaced MS FP borders on all top level pages with php includes.November 6, 2008
Discontinued 4 Avtron load banks and replaced with LIBERTY model. Added tin plate to copper bus description for Gen/Tran Power Centers. Corrected price of L1420P.October 31, 2008
Fixed wiringdv.htm page to restore lost borders and background.October 30, 2008
Added new voltage drop calculator - mini system page.October 22, 2008
Reduced pricing for Eaton Cutler-Hammer 100A through 400A ATC3C2X series automatic transfer switches. Added alerts to voltage drop calculator and specified 60Hz.October 20, 2008
Added PowerWeb 30A and 50A spider boxes. Add Enphase branch circuit install kit.October 20, 2008
Enhanced voltage drop calculator.October 17, 2008
Corrected RJB10425 link on F30216B page.October 15, 2008
Updated weight of GenShed for truck freight shipping. Adjusted 80-150 lb weights of Powerware UPS systems for shipment by truck freight and charge accordingly. Added 24V option for GSC300. Updated Toshiba EP1600 pricing. Updated information about Coleman Powermate Kearney NE factory reopening under Pramac ownership.October 3, 2008
Adjusted prices of GE Zenith ZTX and ZTG switches. Adjusted price of Southwest Windpower turbines and tower kits.September 29, 2008
Added some APC models to UPS reconditioning page. Added alternate part numbers for RJBB15, RJBB20, RJBS.September 25, 2008
Fixed Web Poll code on Home page.September 23, 2008
Adjusted prices and lead times of DynaGen automatic transfer switches. Changed PR30, PR50 cart button to drop-ship. Updated lead time pages.September 18, 2008
Fixed Home page catalog image map sizing and PTO link.September 17, 2008
Added back missing text at end of Warranty and Disclaimer on Terms and Conditions page about engine generators indoors. Discontinued GA-100 and GAP-100 wheel kits and replaced with NWK. Added drop-ship sales tax to purchase buttons for solar PV modules. Added wind generator WJB in place of UPTOWER-JB. Replaced products image on Home page with clickable catalog image map. Deleted Powertech RV diesel gensets.September 6, 2008
Added description to site Google search. Revised price of Iota IQ-4. Added Ampair 100 Wind/Water turbine hybrid generator and Ampair 600 wind generator.September 4, 2008
Corrected phone numbers and addresses on ordering page, leaseapplic, mailorder form pages. Added Google Search to search page.September 4, 2008
Updated pricing for Eaton Cutler-Hammer automatic transfer switches. Updated home page news clip. Added Reliance QF10 flush-kit. Replaced Tripp Lite APS612 and APS1012 with APS750 and APS1250 respectively.August 28, 2008
Added Ampair 100 and 300 wind turbines. Added Briggs 76000 30kW vapor fueled standby genset.August 27, 2008
Updated prices for APC UPS refurbishing.August 25, 2008
Added USB interface for GSC300 and GSC400.August 24-25, 2008
Added NWK universal wheel kit and linked from WKP, WKSP, PA0650181 and PA0650100.02. Updated BS 7kW standby generator manual.August 18, 2008
Updated pricing for 2.5KVD2089, 541-0618, 338-3513.August 15, 2008
Added Gen/Tran 50329 flush mount plate. Adjusted prices of VLC2-0100, G01910, G01911, G01912. Revised list of Briggs portable generators. Added Magnum inverters.August 11, 2008
Corrected typos and missing text on Enphase micro-inverter page.August 7, 2008
Added Coleman Powermate bankruptcy/factory closing notice to wheel kit pages. Updated Gull Wing prices and added cUL to module pages. Added pumped hydro note to Hydroelectric Information page.July 29, 2008
Corrected PSK2 dimension sketch. Adjusted price of RC8. Added installation suggestions link for flush mount switches. Added cUL Listing to Gull Wing MGW spider boxes. Added clearer statement to GSC300 controller that is only for genset applications. Listed Enphase inverters and items as available now.July 20, 2008
Changed mailing address from Maryland to Virginia on Contacting Us page. Added 5% Virginia sales tax to shopping cart and on Terms & Conditions page. Changed Jurisdiction state on Terms & Conditions page.July 12, 2008
Updated Gen/Tran pricing.July 6, 2008
Updated Watt output for HARRIS Hydro Permanent Magnet Alternator (most values increased). Deleted 3 old HARRIS web pages. Added 2008 to page footers..July 4, 2008
Updated weight and price for AQUAIR UW options. Increased pricing for GE Zenith transfer switches 2.5% and added charger option for ZTX models.July 1, 2008
Added 60A items to Gull Wing MGW series spider boxes and adjusted some pricing.June 30, 2008
Added NEW Enphase Micro-Inverter for solar PV applications. Adjusted pricing for some ES&D hydro products.June 28, 2008
Revised WP15PTOS PTO generator description to 15kW continuous 18kW max. Removed R___x Registered Trademark from 7 pages on web site and replaced with "nonmetallic-sheathed cable (building wire)".June 17, 2008
Updated image for NPAT-BCB binary controller board. Added office closing notice to Home page. Corrected typo in price for PSS40LS. Added note about no mag pickup for GSC300. Added NPAT-DLOAD diversion load for binary controllers.June 4, 2008
Added NPAT-BCB binary controller board.May 27, 2008
Changed back prices for QSA2020 and QSA1515 surge arrester breakers. Added QSA2020TVSS. Added warranty details for Toshiba 1600EP UPS systems. Updated prices for ZTX 100A & 200A switches. Added state & local sales taxes to Ronk products.May 7, 2008
Updated prices for QSA2020 and QSA1515 surge arrester breakers. Removed relocation closing notice from home page. Revised price adders for 2 & 4 nozzle LVPM turbine.April 29, 2008
Added DynaGen VLC2 load center automatic transfer switch. Added min and max flow to order buttons for LOPOWER, HARRIS and TURGO micro hydroelectric turbines.April 29, 2008
Fixed Exceltech AC PV link. Added dimensions for Gull Wing spider boxes.April 24, 2008
Changed origin zip code for Q310 switches.April 24, 2008
Added office closing 4/25 and 5/2 for relocation. Changed penstock from PVC to flexible hose on LVPM and HARRIS hydroelectric units. Added PSI to HARRIS performance table.April 22, 2008
Added CA sales tax to Lo Power Eng products. Added prepay note for HARRIS and LVPM products. Deleted unused entries from diesel and vapor fueled genset quote forms. Added Cummins 80DSFAE diesel genset. Replaced SH175 with GTS grid tie solar systems.April 17, 2008
Updated Powerware UPS series 5115, 5125, 9125, 9155 prices. Updated prices for HUPS house UPS systems. Adjusted shipping weights of Onan RV generators less than 150 lbs to force truck shipment in shopping cart buttons.April 17, 2008
Updated Powerware UPS series 3105, 5110, 9120 prices.April 13, 2008
Shortened NOTICE about FrontPage extension issues on FormSubmit pages: gaseous.htm, diesel.htm, largeups.htm, contactingus.htm, feedback.htm. Changed "Gaseous" to "vapor fueled".April 12, 2008
Transferred web site from to which fixed FrontPage issues.April 10, 2008
Test publish to new host.April 9-10, 2008
Added WINCO PSS15, PSS25, PSS27LS, PSS40LS standby generators. Updated genset 3rd party extended warranties. Updated Toshiba UPS products to 4/1/08 factory price change. Updated Voltmaster generator prices based on 2/1/08 factory change.April 7-8, 2008
Deleted Coleman Powermate standby and portable generators from web catalog due to their April 2008 bankruptcy. Updated NPAT hydroelectric turbine pages and added new images. Adjusted price for SkyStream. Updated Exeltech PVAC link. Updated prices for Briggs home standby generators.April 4, 2008
Web navigation restored by reinstalling FP extensions again.April 3, 2008
Added "NOTICE: Our web host StartLogic changed platforms in mid-March and they have been having problems ever since with the MS FrontPage Extensions that make this form work..." to Feedback, diesel generator, gaseous generator, UPS forms.April 1-2, 2008
Revised pricing for DR series inverters. Added OutBack Power FX inverters. Added links to hydroelectric pages. Added payment in advance note to ES&D products. Corrected 20A to 30A in table for 30216V.Aarch 28, 2008
Updated address to PO Box. Added Winco PSS12H standby generator. Flagged all Powermate generators with red background.March 26, 2008
Added John Blythe Electric. Adjusted price for RLY-40A. Deleted 50/30PTJD pto generator.March 22, 2008
Reinstalled FrontPage extensions to fix FormSubmit problems.March 19, 2008
Added Coleman Powermate bankruptcy notice on standby and portable generator pages.March 18, 2008
Web site moved to new platform.March 12, 2008
Added price list for other alternative energy products.March 11, 2008
Updated UPS Reconditioning pricing. Discontinued Toshiba 1700 & 1800 series UPS systems and added pages for accessories.March 10, 2008
Updated UPS Reconditioning to 36 month warranty and new pricing. Added DECO Electrical Contractors to Florida listing. Discontinued Winpower 80/50ptcdmf 1000RPM PTO generator. Added pressure rating for AQUAIR UW generator. Added 20A line cord/plug to DLS75 description. Delete WHISPER-LINK-500 and replace with SKYSTREAM3.7 wind generator. Added Vdrop link to home page and line numbers to left menu bar. Added link to Schneider Electric voltage drop information. Added Toshiba 1600EP 14kVA, 18kVA, 22kVA UPS system pages.February 7, 2008
Changed email destination for FP form results.February 6, 2008
Added image for ESD Nozzle. Fixed severe weather link. Added METERPNL4 note about ammeter readings below 25% of full scale. Added cordset modifications MOD-PLUG and MOD-CONN.February 1, 2008
Added images to air diversion load. Discontinued Uni-Solar SHR17 shingles. Added Uni-Solar PVL roofing laminate.January 31, 2008
Added KDE Electric. Updated specs for Coleman PowerStations.January 29, 2008
Added Cummins 20GGMA genset.January 27, 2008
Added Regulation of Hydro Projects to info page.January 23, 2007
Added Toshiba 1000 series UPS systems to cross reference list. Stated 1 year limited warranty with no extension available for all GE Zenith ZTX switches.January 22, 2008
Added L530 power inlet boxes PB31 and 53002. Adjusted price of 24V relays for AS52/ES52. Updated FLPIB image to new round design.January 21, 2008
Added SWWP AIR-BREEZE wind turbine. Added book on fueling with used veg oil and The Big Book of Boy Stuff. Added CIA news clip. Revised payment section of Terms & Conditions.January 16, 2008
Corrected prices shown in two places for VTS100A and VTS400 switches.January 12, 2007
Updated prices for Winpower PTO Generators.January 11, 2008
Adjusted price for LPG04 tank regulator. Added thumbnail image for all LPG products instructions. Reformatted instructions. Added order buttons for DynaGen GSC400 controller.January 10, 2008
Revised pricing for Concorde PVX batteries. Added maximum open circuit voltage to specs for Trace C-35, C-40, C-60 charger controllers. Added recommended controllers for AQUAIR UW generator.January 7, 2008
Added ES&D spare replacement bearings to Hydroelectric page.January 4, 2008
Reduced price of 3392 Wind Watcher. Corrected HARRIS standard alternator description to Motorcraft. Added links for diversion load controllers to HARRIS, LVPM, TURGO and LH1000 micro hydro generators.January 2, 2008
Added Gen/Tran 30216V vintage switch. Updated pricing for certain large Coleman portable generators due to factory freight policy change. Added RPM0601100 to reconditioned list.
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