Page last updated Jul 27, 2023 @ 10:20am
click thumbnail
image above to enlargeAquair UW Submersible Generator
12Vdc, 24Vdc or 48Vdc
approx 100 watts maximumIf you have a fast flowing stream that is at least 13 inches deep you can install a Submersible Generator easily without having to build a dam or install piping. This can save a lot of money when compared to a typical piped hydroelectric system.
The Aquair UW submersible generator is a special low-speed, high output alternator, mounted in an oil-filled cast aluminum housing. It was developed to charge lighting batteries on towed barges in the North Sea. So it can also be used on boats or yachts where you require additional battery charging current. It has been pressure tested successfully to a depth of 3 meters (9 feet).
When mounted in a stream flowing 9 mph, it charges a 12 volt battery at 8 amps, or 2.4 kilowatt hours per day. It can produce 1.5 kilowatt hours per day in a stream moving 6 mph. Three models are available--one for 12VDC, one for 24VDC, and one for 48Vdc systems.
The propeller is made of ductile aluminum, which can be hammered back into shape if it is hit by floating debris. Replacement propellers are available in case of severe damage.
Installation requires secure mounting, such as on a vertical pole from a bridge or on a cantilever beam from one side of the stream. If your stream is subject to violent flows due to thunder storms or flood control releases, you should have some method of raising the generator out of the way. To avoid overcharging any connected batteries use with a non-shorting charge controller such as the C-40 that will disconnect the AQUAIR UW when the batteries are full. A diversion load is not required for the AQUAIR UW since over-speed is not a concern as with other types of hydroelectric generators. But due to the possibility for high open circuit (no load) voltage, the charge controller must be rated for this high voltage if no diversion load is used.
The Aquair is 14.5 inches long. The generator is 8-3/8 inches in diameter and the propeller is 12-1/2 inches in diameter. It weighs 30 pounds.
Electrical Specs
Parameter at all voltages 12VDC 24VDC 48VDC Output at 6 mph * 70 Watts 6 Amps 3 Amps 1.5 Amps Output at 9 mph * 100 Watts 8.5 Amps 4.2 Amps 2.1 Amps Max Open Circuit Voltage
(at no load)---- 100V 200V 400V Recommended controller
if diversion load IS NOT used #---- Trace C-40
AQUAIR RG-S1BAQUAIR RG-S1B AQUAIR RG-S1B Recommended controller
if diversion load IS used---- Trace C-35 or similar Trace C-35 or similar Trace C-40 or similar Diversion Load ---- DLOAD-AIR DLOAD-AIR DLOAD-AIR * with standard prop
# these controllers are rated for the maximum open circuit voltage
DC cable length and voltage drop must be evaluated carefully when laying out system. Click here for our simple voltage drop calculator.
Options are described in spec sheets at top of this page (click thumbnail). Select options using drop-down menus below when ordering.
May 5, 2017 UPDATE: This product was formerly made by a company called Ampair Energy Ltd. in the UK. However, they went out of business in 2015 and this product was acquired by Seamap (UK) Ltd. Inventory and manufacturing was then moved to Singapore.
Note that price of this item can change unexpectedly due to exchange rate fluctuations. If price is different at time you place order we will contact you for approval before processing.
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