Page last updated Oct 20, 2021 @ 10:04pm
Contractors & Installers
Click your underlined state to see a list of contractors and installers that we have done business with who are offering their services. Note that these electricians may not be able to do the gas or propane hookup to standby generators. However, they can sub-contract this work out to a qualified gas man.
The best method for starting your search is to get a referral from a friend, co-worker, relative or neighbor. When arranging for any services it is always prudent to check the reputation of the contractor. Look up the contractor or electrician on the Better Business Bureau web site. And finally, you can always google the contractor name with the word "complaints" or "problems".
Alabama | Illinois | Montana | Rhode Island |
Alaska | Indiana | Nebraska | South Carolina |
Arizona | Iowa | Nevada | South Dakota |
Arkansas | Kansas | New Hampshire | Tennessee |
California | Kentucky | New Jersey | Texas |
Colorado | Louisiana | New Mexico | Utah |
Connecticut | Massachusetts | New York | Vermont |
Delaware | Maine | North Carolina | Virginia |
District of Columbia | Maryland | North Dakota | Washington state |
Florida | Michigan | Ohio | West Virginia |
Georgia | Minnesota | Oklahoma | Wisconsin |
Hawaii | Mississippi | Oregon | Wyoming |
Idaho | Missouri | Pennsylvania |
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